East Valley High School Home

Home of the Falcons Image

Home of the Falcons

East Valley High School with the Media & Technology Magnet, and School for Advanced Studies provide students throughout Los Angeles a small, personalized experience for pursuing college and career readiness. Our school community offers high-interest electives like animation, video production, a full program of high school sports, and so much more. 
Call or stop by the office to inquire about enrollment 7:30am-4:30pm (818)753-4400 or email us at anytime.

News & Announcements

Image of College and Career Day Flyer


All EVHS students will participate in our annual College and Career Day. Students will meet with presenters from various professions and educational institutions and learn about different careers and higher education options.

WHEN: March 21, 2025
TIME: 9:44am – 11:37am
WHERE: GYM and Quad
Cap & Gown Order Due March 10th Featured Photo

Cap & Gown Order Due March 10th

All seniors need to complete the Cap and Gown Order form by March 10th. There are two choices: purchase your cap and gown for $17.20 or rent the cap and gown and return it after the ceremony for no cost.

EVHS formally adopts & enforces the District's Cell Phone Policy

Per District Policy, students may NOT use cellular phones & other electronic devices such as, but not limited to, smart watch, headphones, earbuds/air pods or smart glasses, during school hours.
Student Procedure: Upon entering each period/class, students will place their turned-off phone and/or all electronic devices in either a phone pouch or the storage case; all electronics devices will remain in the phone pouch or storage case for the entire duration of the period. At the end of the period, students will retrieve their devices in accordance with teacher procedures.
Image of Listening Campaign Flyer

Listening Campaign--Division of Special Education

We believe we exist to serve the students and families of Los Angeles Unified, and we acknowledge the many voices who have a vested interest in the success of our students. To ensure that all actions are informed by listening and learning from the community through open dialogue, we welcome your feedback as we make decisions about social and academic issues that impact our students with disabilities.

EVHS Parent & Family Engagement Policy and Parent Compact 23-24

EVHS recognizes that parents are a child’s first teacher
and should have the opportunity to become involved in their child’s education.
This legislation requires the development of written policies to ensure that
parents, guardians, and family members of Title I students are informed about
their opportunities to participate in the design and implementation of the Title
I program. Attached are the 23-24 EVHS Parent Engagement Policy and School Compact. Printed copies are available in the Main Office.
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1-to-1 Tutoring from Tutor.com

Attentions all Falcon Students!!! Take advantage of this free online tutoring opportunity, purchased by the Los Angeles Unified School District, accessible 24/7 for all LAUSD students, and fully integrated with Schoology® for single sign-on access.
